
لـ iPhone Good Inside: Parenting

  • المجاني

  • باللغة عربي
  • V 1.1.1
  • 4.3

  • حالة الأمان

تقييم Softonic

Good Inside: Parenting

جوّ داخل: تطبيق دعم تربوي شخصي للوالدين مصمم لتوفير الإرشاد العملي للوالدين ومقدمي الرعاية الذين يربون الأطفال في سنThe app aims to help parents understand their children better, respond effectively to various situations, maintain composure during challenging moments, and establish boundaries while nurturing a strong connection with their kids.

The app offers personalized daily support through 5-minute decks tailored to the child's age and family goals. It includes scripts and strategies to help parents feel more confident and capable. Additionally, users have access to a chatbot for instant parenting advice, timely reminders for chaotic moments, on-the-go audio workshops, exclusive events with experts, and a community facilitated by Good Inside coaches.

البرامج المتاحة بلغات أخرى

لـ iPhone Good Inside: Parenting

  • المجاني

  • باللغة عربي
  • V 1.1.1
  • 4.3

  • حالة الأمان

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